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What Apple did to your iPhone, iPad, and Mac; how Apple ruined my life and gave me serious bodily harms—Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization & Chapter 113C violations (as evidence of knowledge of severe bodily harms shows)

Basically, Apple has been selling horses and delivering mules since September 18, 2017.
And the mules have been ruining people's lives, severely burning people, and giving people otitis and ear damage, etc. Two of the mules even exploded, one is mulePhone X and the other mulePhone XS Max. 

Please read the 2020 update before reading this CRL. Some information in the CRL needed updates and clarifications. Some evidence in the evidence folder might point to wrong things, and it's important that you read the 2020 update to understand what's really happening. 2020 update

The crimes by Apple Incorporated are HORRENDOUS, with dire consequences, including bodily harm. But the plot is quite simple: fraud, and crimes that come FROM that, like assault and others. They, for the sake of money, continued on and refused to stop after reading reports of bodily harm, and instead did cover-ups—making it WORSE but harder to discover. That's straight up chilling, frightening, and evil. 
It's also possible that the iPhones that exploded are related to these crimes, iPhones had never exploded without an outside cause from iPhone 1-8. Details will be written in this letter.  
However simple a crime is, it is always important to prove the motive, aka Mens Rea. And proving their intention and REFUSAL TO STOP whilst knowing bodily harms have happened will land them PROPER sentencing and fines. It's necessary to prove their egregiousness and horrendousness to give them PROPER sentencing they deserve. 
Also, it's significantly important for the judge to understand what a modern smartphone is and how much of life it is. Most you need is in the evidence folder. 
Apple has broken the following United States of America laws (criminal):
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, multiple counts of fraud (mail, wire; warranty, sales of incompetence, sales of alteration, insurance) against consumers, multiple counts of fraud against stockholders, assault (state laws) and deprivation of rights including right to freedom of harm under color of law, torture, tampering with consumer products, money laundering, importation of goods with false statements, etc. Obstruction of justice is also possible, for the many crime reports submitted and vanished. All of these charges apply to
Timothy Donald Cook. 
They’ve broken any law that is similar to the above in any country they sell products in.  
Basically, They alternated the products AFTER RELEASE for more money. Practically all of them: iPhone, iPad, MacBook, iMac, both new and old. What they did is incredibly sick. You’d only expect this type of scheme from a cheap company with no value. But they did it anyways. And they didn’t do it with one part, they did it with for certain 5 parts in the iPhone, with every single iPhone shipped during the period. I do mean every single one. Like they didn’t do it with 1 part per phone, but 5 per. Each of the 5 causes serious and unbelievably annoying negative effects to the user’s experience. Again, they are sick. They knew the consequences, they did it anyways. And with some, they might have done it with 6 different parts. They cheaped out the iPhone with ≥5 different components. I mean the darn phone has four corners, it’s a miracle that they cut corners with 5 different parts. First of all, Timothy Donald Cook is sick. Only someone who criminally hates society would be like this. Moreover, he was told to stop by me alone around 20 times via different communication methods. He refused to. I swear I told him the consequences to human health (very painful injuries), he did NOT stop and instead carried on worse. He is sick. 
In any country, including the United States, fraud and money laundering are NOT crimes that need complaints to start with, in other words the law enforcement agency has the OBLIGATION to bust these crimes reported today even without a victim’s complaint. As such, dereliction of duty in this case can land you criminal prosecution, being fired, fines, or all three. This applies to any country. In Japan (日本), it’s called 非親告罪, as in prosecution should be done regardless of complaint: if there are 10 victims and only one complained, 10 counts of crime should be sent through to prosecution. 
I know it’s unbelievable, but it’s true. Again, they did it with every single iPhone shipped. Every single one. 
[Power Management] They started this in September 2017 and did it with all their devices. They used to put in more than competent power managements in their devices and that’s why Apple devices used to be so great. Now the most egregious would be the incompetent Power Management Unit, they did it with Macs and iPads as well. Right now, typing on this MacBook Pro is painful as it burns my hand, repeatedly. The PMU is called VRM on a computer. PMU would include both the main PMIC and charger IC (USB IC) on the iPhone. On the iPhone, the main PMIC should be the ultimate root cause. As the name suggests, it manages power. What would happen if you plugged something that’s only capable of dealing with 110V of power into a 220V plug? Explosion and smoke if the device does not turn on. If the device “works”, extreme heat, slow down and burns and damage to internal parts of the device. Simple right? That’s exactly what happens. We have weird heat coming out of the device, plugged in at 100% battery power with only the display on for the iPhone X, XS, and XS Max, the back would be a lot warmer than the temperature of human skin, the back of the phone would be at 40C. Note that the thermometer I showed in the evidence folder is a non-contact thermometer and thus is not accurate; when measuring lower temperature ranges, it’s constantly 2 degrees Celsius lower. It’s incompetent, capable of half of the required ability and cannot adequately manage power. That’s proven with the i9 2018 MacBook Pro, which also reveals to us what the real symptom is with these devices. The 2018 i9 model of the MacBook pro is actually as slow as the i7 modelled MacBook Pro when you put it to tasks such as exporting videos, a task that requires CPU power for an extended period of time. The test by a Technology YouTuber was done after the so called update Apple did to cover up the PMU/VRM issue. Through digging, a user of reddit found out that it is capable of less than half of what’s needed, the VRM cannot manage power more than 49W, the VRM itself would heat up to a burning temperature, and electrocute other parts. For example, part A (CPU) is requesting 90W of power, while other parts are requesting 2W, it would send a huge current to pretty much every part (for example 10W instead of 2W, and 100W to CPU), and heat up the entire computer. I’m not entirely sure, but that pretty much is the mechanism. This mechanism is named electrocution by me. When the device ‘works’ like this, not only will it shorten the lifespan of every part including the motherboard, it would worsen into explosion eventually. This is easily proven as what the firmware set the VRM/PMU to deliver can be discovered by analyzing the code of the OS, compare that with what the hardware is actually capable of, you would have a ratio like 50% capable, then do the same thing for an iPhone 7 or 6 produced BEFORE September 2017, you would see the huge difference in ratio, which will become crucial in the prosecution as knowingly selling a device that’s incompetent is fraud as well, in this case, the device is stretched BEYOND its limit when it comes to electricity every time you use it, I will further elaborate this. A competent and adequate PMU would send exactly the amount of power required by each part, thus no heat, and no stretches (worsening). Like I said, Power Management is the worst out of all. The unit heats up to such a temperature that it would burn your hand. Bigly. My hand gets often burnt typing on a MacBook Pro unplugged. What happened to that MacBook Pro you might ask? Well, it got it motherboard replaced in January 2018. The air blown out used to be warm. After the replacement, it’s straight up hot. Remember how I told you they started September 2017 TILL TODAY with all products. This is a mid 2014 15 inch MacBook Pro bought in February 2015. I used it for 2 years and a half and loved it so much that I didn’t even think about getting a different computer than just fixing it, as I did purchase AppleCare Protection Plan. Note that the MagSafe 2 Charger (charger and charging cable was one part) was replaced in summer of 2017 and was used with the computer before motherboard replacement for months WITH NO PROBLEM. No yellowing, no softening, no heat. Now after the board replacement, the difference is incredibly dramatic. We’re talking typing on it while it’s unplugged and getting my fingers burnt, the pain lasts several hours. You’re guaranteed to get your fingers hurt typing if your computer’s unplugged and listening to music through headphones at 30% volume, something unimaginable 2 years ago with the same computer (before motherboard replacement). I mean your fingers have to press DOWN. I have pretty long fingernails yet my index finger is burnt typing on this computer and it’s painful, greatly. We’re talking cable burnt to yellow. The yellowing comes from the electrocution. (The yellowing is abnormal, as normal yellowing would only be seen on a corrupt cable. My cabe is not corrupt at all.) Turns out, the bad PMU/VRM doesn’t just send power everywhere inside the device; whilst charging, it sends some back to the charger as well, something that’s almost never expected to happen! That causes the cable to be hot as well as the cable is working to send power both ways, (if you touched the yellow whilst charging, you’d realize the cable is actually HOT as well, not warm, hot) and the worst of course is the close-to-device end. The cable at that end gets burnt to almost melting, as the silicone or whatever material the charging cable is made of melts slightly, there’s a strong smelt of rubber, but it’s not melted to the point of breaking, and when it cools down, thanks to the oxygen in air it solidifies into a yellow color. Further, the MagSafe connector is at an amazing temperature as well. So much so that the MagSafe connector is at like 60, to the point where I have to extremely careful while unplugging and putting the charger into my backpack, cuz today the MagSafe connector burned my thigh thru two layers of pants, two layers of cloth, it burned me and it hurt. The MagSafe metal connector now burns me every time I charge the computer. Further, the block or the actual part that converts the voltage from 220V or 110V to about 15V is incredibly hot as well, which again did not happen at all before the motherboard replacement with the exact same charger. It’s extremely evident that it’s sending power back to the charger. And this is a huge case of fraud against stockholders, as by law, they’ll have to (sooner or later) replace for free the charger. Don’t take it from me, Apple’s own support article “iPad Pro unibody enclosure design” (HT209403) says and I quote “Apple offers a 14-day return policy for products purchased directly from Apple. Apple also provides up to a one-year warranty on our products and will cover damage if it has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmanship.” I can’t make this up. That is their CLEAR understanding of the law. The damage to properties by Tim’s fault needs to be paid for by Tim. Even if they deny warranty and say PMU is not a defect (false), some customer would sue and then globally the case becomes clear. They’ll have to pay. Tim knows that it would a) cost stockholders a LOT in the future, b) win him bonuses for now. He knows that very well. 

I hate to start a new paragraph but all of it is ANNOYING. To the point that my own laptop can’t be used on my lap. If I used it on my lap, I’d get burnt and my leg would hurt for hours. This has to do with the PMU of course, but the electrocution needs to be further talked about. It goes everywhere inside the computer—sending more than needed power to all the parts when one part (like CPU) requires higher power. That causes the parts that shouldn’t heat up to heat up as well. The close to trackpad end on the bottom had never heated up before MB replacement. Now that’s the part that burns me and I am knowingly avoiding any contact with the under-keyboard part. That burned my leg just now when I was watching some shows online. I am very sure about the worsening and the electrocution given what’s going on now. Note the worsening is an active national security threat because a lot of vital gov institutions use Apple Computers, you don’t want a computer going out when you need it most, especially given the computer could actually explode like the iPhone X and XS Max. And it did give me the fever like symptom that actually works in a similar mechanism to the electrocution, I’ll explain that when I talk about the iPhone PMU. 
Again, any of the issue above did not exist before the motherboard replacement. I mean it. NONE. And this of course is a danger as it is not fixed. It doesn’t heat up to the same level forever. The PMU/VRM is incompetent of its tasks. Imagine a rubber band, you keep stretching it to beyond its capabilities, what would happen eventually? It would break. That’s called motherboard failure, as in the computer or phone won’t turn on at all. You’d actually be lucky if you got a MB failure. Imagine tying one end of the rubber band to the wood, the other end in your hand pulling hard, what would happen? It would chip off and fly out and hit someone. Probably in their eyes. It could disable someone. That’s the iPhone X that exploded, that’s the iPhone XS Max that exploded. These things don’t come out of the box exploding, whatever you do on it. Because when you stretch it to that kind of level out of the box, it’s fine; but since it was incompetent in the first place, it would get worse and worse and worse every time. This computer certainly didn’t burn me every time in the same usage scenarios right after replacement; it burned me but not as often. And now it’s doing it all the time. I swear I haven’t been using this computer much. Right after the replacement I found out the fan was spinning faster, and thus used it very minimally over the past few months; whereas out of the box, I was using it above 5 hours a day for MONTHS in 2015, yet it had no problems whatsoever. This is a huge case of warranty fraud. And I think it would get to smoke and explosion in the near future. Apple replaces your motherboard if anything remotely connected to it is not functioning. The premium price comes at a reason, at least it used to. 
‘It's an accident’ is something Apple would say. Heat is a positive energy, something has to be wrong. Besides, it happens with every device. And short-circuiting can’t cause this kind of symptom. For whoever’s sake, if this were a standalone case, I would be a crazy man. But no, I’m not crazy and this ain’t standalone. iPad Pro 9.7 in, bought in April 2016, had the same symptoms after a replacement. Now this iPad Pro is actually quite personal with me, as I was using it extremely much after purchase. So I know exactly what to expect with it. After replacement however, I didn’t use it much until recently for certain reasons, and I am now noticing some differences that shan’t be ignored. Huge differences I’m talking. Heat while charging, 40 connected to charger in box. Never happened before replacements. Heat while watching videos, if you watch a video while it’s not plugged in, it heats up to the point you don’t even want to hold it in hand as it is extremely uncomfortable; if it were plugged in, it would heat up to an even higher temperature. And what happened to that iPad Pro? Replaced in 2018. I’m even shocked to learn that they did it with the PMU on pretty much every device, including one that’s been released for more than than 2 years. The difference in heat really is extremely obvious and huge. This iPad does burn you if you use it for long enough, something that didn’t use to happen. That proves very solidly that they did it with every device, old or new, with the PMU, to get more money, money they totally and completely do not deserve. No one deserves money from criminal fraud. No one. 
What about the iMac? I happen to own one. And it has similar issues. It was good before the warranty replacement, and after the motherboard replacement, the computer is just hotter, and the screen flickers weirdly (see evidence folder), a USB stick that’s been with me for a LONG TIME if plugged in to the iMac heats up to 50, so does a Lacie hard drive. You’re not gonna tell me they’re all broken right? And I hear the speaker popping more and more often. There is no accident. This is intentional STEALING. Or rather the equivalence of stealing/robbery. The flashing on the iMac is actually getting worse and annoying, and I’m worried the screen will be damaged more or less, sooner or later
So far, we got the Power Management issue happening on the MacBook Pro, iPad, iMac, all after warranty replacements. You’re not gonna tell me it’s all an accident are you? These cases are not standalone. I have above 20 iPhones I’ve tested from Nov 2017 till now, nothing is standalone. 
I don’t even know what gave them the courage to do these actions, but they did it with every single device after a certain date. It’s amazingly disgusting, but it’s true. I don’t know the exact time that they started doing it with the computer, but I think it was just a bit later than when they started doing it with the iPhones. They started doing it with the iPhone productions  at the very end of September 2017, just before the iPhone X was officially released. Now at release, some retail iPhone X would have had none of the issues whatsoever, as the iPhone X production started in August/September 2017. Before we go into that, I wanna talk about operations and the law
Let’s talk a bit about the law here, alteration has always been considered fraud in the entire history of humanity, so there is no argument even in regard to the warranty fraud. As long as your country’s government isn’t corrupt and cares about the people, they would move this case to court, unlike the corrupt officials in the United States of America. But I also said “knowingly selling a device that’s incompetent is fraud as well,” that’s easily proven in the food industry that if they sold something to you that’s guaranteed to make you sick, even if the product was a brand new product, they are indicted for fraud. So how is this a case of fraud? Introducing the reasonable person. I didn’t mention the rubber band for no reason. The software set the PMU to manage 125W of power while it can’t manage 49W of power out of the box (2018 i9 MacBook Pro) that it’s as slow as the i7 model computer that’s sold around $1000 USD less. How is it not fraud? Would the reasonable person not know that putting a part that has electricity running though it to a task it is not capable of dangerous? WHAT ABOUT the reasonable engineer? Shouldn’t they know to expect explosions as we’ve seen with both the iPhone X and the XS? I mean they spent above four years in university learning mechanics and stuff, whereas I am a high school graduate. I mean an engineer that went to post-secondary education (higher education) for probably 6 years (for eg. Craig Federighi) doesn’t know that? I doubt that very much. This is so incredibly simple. If you know a crime is going on and instead of either talking to the police or walking out of it, you actually action to help them with the crime, you are a criminal as well, and that you is Craig Federighi with the cover-ups (will be explained later). The reasonable engineer, someone who had at least a PASS (50%-60% or >1.0 GPA) in university classes, doesn’t know that? Oh that’s funny. I’m laughing. I’m actually laughing. That is so funny. That explains very well how sales of incompetence is a strong case of criminal fraud. But remember, sales of incompetence is actually the SMALLEST part of what they did. 
And the courage to do it with all their products is disgusting, they did it when they were the highest, when they were making a lot of money and nobody really hated them. In September 2017 they didn’t have any scandals. The battery thing didn’t happen until December 2017. And they decided, when they were the richest and happiest, to ruin people’s lives. More specifically, Timothy Donald Cook decided to ruin people’s lives at their highest, and refused to stop after many many warnings(See evidence folder). This is what they said in December 2017 about the battery case in the “A Message to Our Customers about iPhone Batteries and Performance”, “First and foremost, we have never — and would never — do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product, or degrade the user experience to drive customer upgrades.” They did both. They shortened the life of ALL Apple products with the bad PMUs, that if you had a motherboard failure, you’d be relatively lucky. Within 6 months of a brand new product, it worsens to a guaranteed burn every time of usage. They degraded user experience as well, I will address that when I talk about iPhones. But let’s talk about one thing, the warranty fraud of the USB-C to Lightning Cable (1m) and how it relates to operations. They committed another count of warranty fraud over the USB-C to Lightning Cable (1m). That is a cable that’s only available for brand new sales, as it’s not included with any other product. So you would have bought a cable worth $35 CAD, and after replacement you’d get a cable worth $25 CAD. The cable is thinner, lighter, with LESS PINS in the USB-C connector, without a gold-plating on the lighting connector, and cheaper. Some accusations from customers that went to Taipei 101 Apple Retail Store, Taipei say that the cable is actually SLOWER than the older version. That could have to do with the lesser pins. It might work at the same speed with USB 2.0, but that amount of pins cannot transfer data at USB 3.0 speeds, had the old one transferred data at USB 3.0 speed. I don’t have a device in hand to test that out very unfortunately. But the devices that have USB 3.0 Lighting are the 12.9-inch iPad Pro and 10.5-inch iPad Pro. That’s not pulled out of thin air, that’s from Apple’s own website—the product page of Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter, last paragraph in overview. You will need to do testings with both the cables on a 12.9-inch iPad Pro or 10.5-inch iPad Pro transferring data to a computer to be able to see. I don’t think the Taiwanese customer would have a reason to lie, however, I don’t have first-hand information on it so I can’t be 100% sure. But a test would be worth it. Not only that, it is also a lot less durable. The thicker cable, however much you use it, is very hard to get to the corrupt stage of how most lightning cables get to. The old thicker cable is one of the only Apple cables that will last above 2 years, the rest all just become corrupt. As you can see in the evidence folder “corrupt cables”. The new cable, however, uses the exact same material and has the exact same strength as the weak lightning to USB-A cables that come within the box, and the corruption will indeed happen. Wait, is that not degradation of customer experience to drive updates? I wonder. Anywho, they replaced the older cables with the new worse weaker ones when customers come in for a warranty claim. Warranty fraud. 
And what does Apple love saying the most? You should thank Apple. They’re replacing your bad cable! The old cable is sold at 35 dollars. Now how much does it cost to produce one? Probably LESS THAN one fifth of 35 dollars. 7 dollars will produce a cable like that right? No. It actually costs a lot less than 7 dollars to produce. You can get a pretty good cable at 30-40 CNY in China, which is about 5-8 CAD, remember that’s the sales price. So living IN the world factory (the People’s Republic of China), I know this darn cable, the old yet better version, costs less than 7 dollars to produce. And smart people (like me) will only buy cables from Apple for the sake of the warranty. If it’s replaced 2 times within the one year warranty period, they’d make a lot of money. If it’s replaced 4 times in a year, they would still turn a profit. But according to Apple, you’re supposed to thank them for committing a crime against you. And the most egregious part of all of it probably is the fact that they changed design in May of 2018. So is there any stock in the factories of the old cable for replacement? Yeah. You bet. But they won’t ship it to the Genius bar. They changed the repair system right after the new cable went on sale to only being able to order the new cable. That’s what the customers experience: replacing a 7 dollar cable with a 5 dollar cable and yelling “you should thank us.” There are certain people in the world that make me believe in hell, Timothy Donald Cook is one of them. 
The operations with the iPhone is quite different, as an iPhone traditionally costs half its sales price. However, with all their products, they don’t just take it and magically make it disappear, they don’t actually melt it. They “recycle” it. The phones, as the motherboard is still good, would be either sold as refurbed again or go into another customer’s hand as warranty replacement. For example, AppleCare+ is an insurance that costs about $200, each time of the two times of insurance costs $100, and normally with an accidental damage, it would be the home button, the screen, the enclosure, maybe the back glass, and nothing else. Not the board, the port, or anything. Not anything expensive basically. Let me tell you the story of my iPhone 8 Plus. The real one not the fake ones. I bought an 8 Plus, US model, activated it on September 27, 2017. I absolutely loved it. I mean sure iOS 11 sucked, a lot, so does iOS 12. But the thing was soo fast, and there was no heat using it. The speaker sounded like heaven even at top volume. The enclosure was so smooth, you don’t see this kind of glass into metal enclosure where the metal is like silky smooth. The best part is you can fast charge it and use it at the SAME TIME and there wouldn’t be any heat. All of that was stripped away from me for Tim’s greed. Now it burns me every day. It hurts me every time I use it. It has given me otitis in May 2018 and it hasn’t healed to this day. I woke up one morning and realized there was a real deep scratch on it. The screen just wasn’t beautiful anymore. I had dropped it and gotten dents on the corners of the metal enclosure, so I decided to screw it and pay the close to $150 CAD to replace the full unit. It should have been a beautiful decision as the phone was beautiful. Little did I know that it started a journey of customer hell, also known as greed heaven for Timothy Donald Cook. Every time I start talking about this it hurts, a lot. There’s so much trauma with the case. I kind of regret not having fought hard enough against them. I mean I fought very hard, but I think I could have fought harder. Let me start with operation and then we’ll come back to the iPhones. So I replaced the 8 Plus paying them $150 CAD, or $100 USD, the motherboard had no issue whatsoever. The enclosure would cost them 20-40 dollars. The screen has two parts, the outer glass with touch sensors, and the inner display. The inner was perfect, it’s the outer they have to discard. That should cost them 20 dollars. Combined it would cost them around $50 dollars, Question: how much money did they make? Or rather, what is the profit margin? 50% right? I’m not even counting in the money I paid to get this insurance (AppleCare+) itself. 
But what I had received, was off on day one. It was a journey. A long journey of pain. I think I’ve had more than 15 replacements to this day, since November 2017. That is more than 1 device every month. Most of these replacements are done at the Apple Retail Stores, and mostly different Apple Retail Stores. That should be defeat any conspiracy theories. I’ll talk about the issues one by one. 
(Power Management of the iPhone) If I’m not wrong, they didn’t start with the Macs and iPads. They started with the iPhone. The symptoms are almost the exact same as on the Mac and iPad. But the consequences are a lot more serious. The iPhone is a more personal device than the iPad or the Mac. If an iPhone exploded, it’s probably in your pocket, in your pants, it’s going to give you a serious burn that’s for sure going to leave a scar, as it did with the iPhone XS Max and the iPhone X. Here’s the list:
  1. it is capable of less than half of its task. It can't send out the exact amount of power asked to. If you charge the phone with a 10W charger, the phone’s back is at 40 and the enclosure is at 45, as the Power Management is capable of LESS THAN half of the given task. This applies if you were listening to music through the EarPods included in the box. It is only reasonable for the phone to heat up if processing power is being used. But that’s not the case. It’s as bad as the screen on itself is more than it can take. If you had the iPhone X screen on doing nothing on it, without charging it, the phone would heat up. If you were listening to music on the iPhone 8/8 Plus or X and walk around with it, you’ll realize the weird heat. The heat it weird.
    I wanna share with you the full paragraph written by “中关村在线” as it does very accurately describe what’s going on. And this has something to do with Android. Anything in this letter would be related to prosecution, though it might not look so from first impressions. “单纯看温度,这一代一点都没让我失望” “如果只是打游戏会很热还罢了,毕竟是马力全开的时候,热一点我也能够忍受。但是iPhone XS系列的发热是自始至终贯穿下来的,玩游戏热、充电热,甚至我只是随便聊几句微信,刷几条微博之后它就能给我飙到40度左右。
    “Looking purely at the temperature, it hasn’t ‘disappointed’ me.” That’s the sarcastic title. “If it overheats only while gaming, I can stand it, as that’d be it running at max horsepower (full force on). But the iPhone XS series (incl. XS Max) heats up from top to bottom (thoroughly), hot while gaming, hot while charging, to the point of me just chatting on WeChat or browsing a bit on Weibo (equivalence to sending messenger messages and browsing on twitter) will get it to jump up to something like 40
    (104).” This very accurately describes what’s going on, and it’s from a tech reviewing website in China. Charging in this scenario would mean charging with the 5W. This is a review for a XS right out of the box.
  2. It’s even more serious with the XS Max. Each second the XS Max runs, for its bigger screen, it requires more power than the X, but it has the same incompetent Power Management as the X. That’s why it’s a lot faster for the XS Max to worsen and explode. Evidence folder has a tech reviewing site saying clearly that “doing the exact same thing, the X heats up more than the 8 Plus”, that proves what I’m saying. Ironically, the good ones on the first 8 Pluses is probably able to drive the XS Max without much of a problem. Isn’t that ironic? 
    We’ve never heard news of the iPhone exploding for its entire history except the last 1.5 years. The iPhone 5 had an explosion because the woman was using a third-party charger that broke. But not with proper usage do you hear an explosion with the iPhone. The XS Max had an explosion 2 months after its release in September. The X had one 10 months after purchase, more than a year after release. See a pattern here? Because the PMU is incompetent even for the iPhone 8, it would heat up with the 8. What would happen if you put it in an even more power-needing device? After a while it would explode as the PMU, like the rubber band, finally breaks and is stretched too much. The same thing would happen to the computer sooner or later. But it’s a lot less serious cuz both the computer and the iPad would be on a desk not your pocket or entirely held in your palm. These explosions are a timed bomb as they will probably happen to other phones as well, sooner or later. 
  3. Because putting in an incompetent PMU is extremely Hazardous & dangerous. It does worsen. I wasn’t so sure of the worsening at the beginning. But now my iPhone 8 Plus in my pocket is getting hot whilst nothing is being done on it. I finally am understanding why the explosions happened. This thing worsens; the phone with bad PMU didn’t use to heat up when the screen is off and nothing is being done. If you use it every day, it worsens and eventually gets to the point of explosion. The same thing is happening to my computer as it’s burning me every time I type on it; the bad PMU didn’t use to burn me every time, but rather most times. That has made me very sure of the “robber band” theory and thus the worsening. The way the computer is burning me tells very well that this case is more URGENT than ever. I repeat, it will worsen into either motherboard failure (small chance) or explosion (very probable). This is a very urgent threat to humanity. Please honor your due diligence. 
  4. The heat is absolutely enough to burn you. As pictures of my hand shows in the evidence folder. The PMU (both PMIC and charge IC (also called USB IC) ) probably is at above 70-80 and transfers the heat to the enclosure on the side. That’s how it burns you really. And the heat heats up your blood as well. That causes pain in my right arm that’s fever-like. As once the blood is heated up, the immune system gets triggered and starts to kill cells. The non-contact thermometer isn’t always accurate, so use a contact thermometer to measure the temperature on the side, especially with the XS Max. It’s given me arteriosclerosis, as the pictures show. When it burns you, there’s a bruise like feeling because it hurts the skin and what’s under the skin. 
  5. It kills the battery as well. Cuz it can’t properly manage power. If you keep dragging out a HUGE amount of power from the battery (that’s where the heat come from), that would get the battery capacity to drop super fast. As Twitter User Chris has said clearly, as seen in the evidence folder. The same thing is happening to my MacBook Pro after a board replacement with the batteries being brand new at 100%. It keeps dragging out a huger amount of power than needed and electrocutes all parts of the phone with that power, it cannot properly manage power. So Tim looked at it and decided to make the battery bigger. But that’s like a month without dropping and then fast dropping anyways. Normal batteries with proper PMU lasts 500 cycles before dropping to 80%, now I think these won’t even last 300 cycles, and that’s a huge case of fraud against stockholders as Apple has to replace batteries within a year, something that shouldn’t happen.  
  6. Of course battery life is shorter and the battery drops really fast. The good 8 Plus (without the bad PMU) lasts almost forever, you almost never need to charge it within a day. The bad ones won’t even last 6 hours. 
  7. The device becomes uncomfortable to use, if you wanted to type an essay with the Pages app or play games on it, or even watch YouTube videos, it’s just so hot you wanna put it down after 1-3 minutes. It just gets hot. You can’t listen to music or anything. 
  8. They started doing this at the end of September 2017. But all the way up till VC is the good ones. The production of the phones started in August. So the first retail devices were good. Maybe at the end of September they were doing it to only some productions. 
  9. The best way to understand how annoying and dangerous and unsafe it is is buying an iPhone XS Max out of the retail store and using it. If you were an iPhone user before, you’d realize how annoying it is. iPhone is known for how it doesn’t heat up too much. But now it’s heating up to a burning temperature. On the other hand, Android is constantly warm, it is safe though how warm it is, but warm. The last XS Max I had in hand was XJ but I DO NOT believe they changed at all. 
  10. For the X and XS, the heat slows the phone down, a lot, as videos in the evidence folder shows. Same thing for the 8 Plus, benchmark goes down to 7000 whilst charging whereas it is >10000 otherwise. None of these symptoms happen to the early productions. A good evidence of fraud is an advertisement for the A11 chip, that was the height of the Bad PMU yet Tim Cook authorized that advertisement to be aired. Why don’t you try playing a game on one with a bad PMU? Facts speak for themselves. 
  11. The electrocution of the charger is happening as well. The evidence folder has a picture of the charger electrocuted to yellow. That’s happened to my 29W charging cable and the 10W cable as well. The 10W is getting softened (melted) near the lightning connector. 
  12. What’s dangerous is that it also electrocutes the adapter; the adapter gets unbelievably hot AS WELL, and if the adapter is electrocuted just a little more, 220V or 110V of power would be transfer to the cable directly to the phone/device and kill you. That is something alternative to explosion, but a lot more serious than explosion. We’re talking about death. It will happen sooner or later as it worsens. The corrupt policemen who have received the crime reports and done nothing is only waiting for it to worsen so these corrupt officials can receive justice (jail), that’s what they’re waiting for. 
  13. The more power that runs through it, in or out, the more it overloads as it really is incompetent. That means it’s the worst if you charged it with a 29W and used it at the same time. Of course it was the exact opposite for the good ones like the one I had but isn’t that “more money spent more damage”? If you didn’t buy the fast charger and cable, you would be less harmed. To the point it’s 44 on the back if you were just charging it with the 29W and doing nothing else on it.  The exact same thing happens if you plugged it in to Apple’s latest Mac Computer with a USB-C port as these are designed to fast charge iPhones at default. So if you bought a Mac and an iPhone, and used them together, you’d get harmed more than someone who only bought an iPhone. The iPhone XS Max heats up more than the XS, which heats up more than the XR or 8 Plus, which heats up more than the 8. The price works the same: XS Max>XS>XR/8Plus>8.
    I repeat, Timothy Donald Cook is dangerously sick. Don’t take it from me, wikipedia defines terrorism as “Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror among masses of people; or fear to achieve a religious or political aim. Money and profit is definitely an aim. Terrorists use the most extreme violence on the richest nations, like the United States. I see a similarity, do you? He could say he didn’t mean to, but facts are facts, the fact is more money spent on Apple more harm, that has nothing to do with what he “thinks.”
  14. It causes the speaker to pop. That was covered up in iOS 11.3 with sacrifices to battery life. The popping came almost right back in iOS 12.1.2 after the further PMU cover up. 
  15. Craig Federighi covered it up with iOS 12.1.2. He’s part of the criminal fraud and RICO.
  16. There’s a bad PMU and a worst PMU, it’s not by date, it was just almost completely random what you’d get. 

[Production Date] For iPhones and iPads, the production date is easy to tell. It’s in the forth and fifth characters of the serial number. The forth character means the year, and the unit is half a year. V is latter half of 2017 (July-December 2017), W is the first half of 2018 (Jan.-June 2018), X us the latter half of 2018 (July-December 2018), and so on. The fifth character is the week, it goes 1-9 and then letters excluding A, B, E, I, O, U, S, Z, so VC would mean the 10th week of the latter half of 2017, VC was when my first 8 Plus was produced. VY would mean the last week of 2017. XJ would be the 15th week of the latter half of 2018. W3 would mean the third week of 2018. As far as I know, they started retail model production of the 8, 8 Plus, and X in August of 2017. VC is early-mid September 2017. And VC is the good ones. VD MIGHT BE good. And VF is just bad. 
They didn’t use to do this kind of fraud though. For the 6s, one produced 2 years after release is done to the same spec as the ones in August or September or whatever. Again, their crimes started September 2017. 
Again, the thing with all these cheaped out parts has to do with the production date, not model or where you got it. Not really. Whether you got a warranty replacement or brand new retail, it’s the exact same thing. 
[The Highest Office] However, I do not know this for sure, their highest office all have good phones. That includes the one in Timothy Donald Cook’s pocket. He had an iPhone X last year and a XS Max now. How? Well, there’s the engineering model. That, regardless of production time, is good. He doesn’t have a bad device in hand. You go to settings-General-About, it says model something. If model starts with an M, it’s a brand new retail model. If it starts with an N, it’s one reserved for warranty replacement. None of these are good, they’re all bad if produced after Oct. 2017. But Tim and his friends probably have a model that starts with something else. These would always be good and is reserved for only Tim and his friends. Engineering model might be a bad name, I don’t know what they named it but it’s a special model. I think it starts with a digit though.
[KGD] Now if you are a police office who is NOT corrupt, you’d wanna find proof to what I’m saying immediately so you can deal with this huge crime. I have a way for yah. Known Good Device. These are retail models starting with an M. They sit in Apple’s (official) retail stores. They were taken either the first week the store opens OR the first week of product release for the sake of the Genius Bar, something Steve the man Jobs left for us. This would only work if the Apple Store opened before August 2017. Or you’d have to find an authorized reseller/retailer. For the iPhone 8, 8 Plus, the first ones are good. So all you have to do is go and grab a KGD and test it against a brand new retail iPhone 8 Plus that you get from the store right now. The best test to do is get the batteries to zero and charge with the 29W for both, you’ll see how one does not heat up at all and the other skyrocketing to 50/60 really fast. Then you can test both charging whilst using, and the difference will be even huger. In Japan, you can go to Apple Store Ginza (銀座)in Tokyo (東京)or shinsaibashi (心齋橋)in Osaka (大阪)for the KGD.
[XS] I’ve been very tough on them in the sense that I told them they’re going to jail a long time ago. This year they didn’t even bother. Even though the reasonable engineer should know the rubber band, they put it the just as incompetent PMUs into ALL retail models of the XS and XS Max regardless of production date. So one from August is just as bad. I’m not kidding. But you might say wouldn’t something that requires even more power delivery heat up more extremely? Yes! The evidence folder shows the XS Max heating up to 120 or 48.9. Historical temperature. The side enclosure is even hotter. I could only get the back of the 8 Plus to 45 for mediocre using while charging with the 29W. If you did that with the XS Max, oh it’s 48.9, amazing! 
[Metal Enclosure] The metal enclosure is where it really burns you and gives you arteriosclerosis. It turns out they didn’t just put in bad ones; there are variations. Some phones come with a bad one, some come with a worse one. The bad one gets the back just as hot, but won’t really burn you with the side enclosure. Right now again typing on this MacBook Pro with WiFi and bluetooth off whilst doing nothing else, as only finder and pages are open in the app switcher, I get burned, I got the fans to maximum and it still burns my fingers. This motherboard is just about 1 year old. And I’d expect smoke and explosion at exactly 1.5 years old or something like that. As pictures from the evidence folder show, the Charge IC sits very close to the right side of enclosure, just where you would hold the phone, when it overheats to 100, the heat will get transferred easily onto the side enclosure. Metal is a great absorber of heat. When one small point in a big warm circle is at burning temperature, it’s hard for you to notice you’re burned.
That would however give you pain and harm to body anyways. Ask any serious professional.
The enclosure is a relatively simple case. They started with the front of the enclosure in 2017 and went on to the back later. The back enclosure issue isn’t there for the first several months of production of the iPhone 8, 8 Plus, and X. Whereas it’s there for the iPhone XS from day one. (except for the engineering models of course) It’s super rough and if you held the phone in your hand and walked around with it, your hand would HURT, it would cause PAIN. This was intentionally done to “profit” more, from a $1200 phone (XS Max) or $1000. And again, the first devices never had this kind of issue. It’s just disgusting what they’re doing. I mean you can’t even hold the phone in your hand! There is a video in the evidence folder showing how it’s rough enough to sharpen wood with the rough enclosure of the XS Max. And another consequence is the fact that the uneven space between the glass and the metal is dust heaven. And it also exposes the enclosure to minor scratches, as enclosure that thin shouldn’t be exposed at all. The minor scratches would cause the enclosure to discolor within a month, something also not seen with the good devices or production before VC.
They did the same thing to the 2018 New iPad Pro. In any industry, precision 1-10 varies by a small amount of money, precision 0.1 versus 1 is however a huge difference. Both are 10 times, but the money is different very bigly. This is another fraud against stockholders as they’ll have to replace the devices sooner and later, AND that the iPads are being returned at a huge rate. They say the enclosure should not vary over 0.4 mm in terms of straightness. But pictures from the internet shows very clearly that the device actually bends over that amount by a lot. More than twice. These pictures are taken by Apple FANS right out of the box when they bought the device. This of course drives up the return/repair rate. Which lowering precision might “save” a bit of money, but what’s saved is not enough to cover all the returns and repairs, let alone the lawsuits. This is fraud against stockholders. Plus, even without the cheaped out enclosure, the latest iPad Pro is still more easily bent than the older generations. This is the “bend gate” for the iPad. Apple is getting sued over how they they knew clearly the iPhone 6 as hundreds of times as likely to bend as the iPhone 5s. Tim Cook does the exact same thing not telling consumers knowing Apple is being sued for them doing it the last time and at the same time tells the factory to cheap out the enclosure somehow. This is fraud against stockholders.
[fraud against stockholders part one] It’s easy. Tim commits fraud against stockholders by driving up the return rate and repair rate thanks to these so called “attempts to save money.” Really, calling what he did saving money is the equivalence of calling murder “sending people to heaven”. Murder is murder. Even though the legal definition of robbery is different, this is called robbery by the common people. These devices aren’t free. People paid huge amounts of money for them and now they can’t use them without getting harmed or at least it getting uncomfortably hot, with a rough enclosure. 
What’s definition of fraud again? That. That what Apple has been doing is fraud. 
[Ruining Touch ID with both software and hardware] They ruined the software with iOS 11.2.5 by making it never work and making you have to press twice or more than twice from when the screen is off. We all know you only had to press once to enter the home screen. In iOS 12, they thought it was too obvious and changed it from having to press twice to having a delay. This for sure applied to all Gen 2 Touch ID devices: iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus. I don’t know if they applied it to Get 1. I know a girl who works at the Xiaomi Store who owns an iPhone 7, hers has the exact same issue, after updating to 11.2.5. You might ask why? 
Face ID sucks. If you’re in Japan, and have a SUICA CARD with a big balance, you’d wanna authorize every time you pay, so a stranger who stole your phone can’t just use the money on the card. This applies to any frequent visitor or really anyone who owns a SUICA CARD really. So you’d wanna use biometric authentication. What if you also had a VISA card on your iPhone? It wouldn’t be a problem with Touch ID as all you have to do is resting your finger on top and letting the device automatically identify the device it’s interacting with. Q: Can you do it with Face ID?
Say you have one card that’s VISA and you’ve never been to Japan? With Touch ID, paying is one step, with the AUTHORIZED CARD only usable while your phone sits on top of the card (POS) machine. With Face ID, you have to step one double click, step two scan your face at the right angle, step three paying. What if for faster payment you scanned your face in advance whilst you’re in the line waiting? Some thief could come with a reader and deduct money from your card. Not really a problem with Touch ID right?
And then there is unlocking your phone. Face ID will work if there is water on your finger. Ironically why would you want to use or really how could you use your phone with a wet finger? Touch ID out of the box, since day one, allows you to save/store FIVE fingerprints. You’re not gonna tell me your right index, right thumb, left index, left thumb, and another finger are all DAMP and you’re trying to use the phone are you? Oh so the only advantage is when you want to read notifications. Cool. But what are the disadvantages? You have to beg for it to unlock. It won’t work if you have sunglasses on. It won’t work if you’re in bed or on the couch (sofa). It won’t work if you’re yawning. It won’t work if you are talking to someone else for safety. You have to be staring at it. If you’re not a robot and are a human person, it does not work. It does not work. I found out that about 40% of the time it either does not work at all or does not work on first attempt. That’s an interesting one, that means you’ll have to adjust the angle of the phone for it to unlock. For 20% of the time, it just won’t work. I’m on my bed or couch a lot and it won’t work, too close to my face or too far from my face it won’t work. They say it’s safer but we’ve seen dozens of videos of similar facial structures/mother and son unlocking each other’s phones. 
So it does work, as in for the situations it does work. How well does it work? It’s twice as slow as Touch ID. They tested Touch ID (before ruining) and Face ID, it takes 0.9 seconds from the screen off for Touch ID to unlock, and 1.8 seconds for Face ID to unlock, not counting the time of angle adjustment. Your phone could be on the table, in your pocket, or simply in your hand: These three situations all require angle adjustment, so the difference is a lot more than just 1 second. It won’t work if you’re looking at someone else. We’re humans, we all “multitask” a little. We’d be talking with someone else and then moving on to our phones. So we’d be unlocking it whilst looking at someone else, it will work with Touch ID, not Face ID, so if your eyes were looking somewhere else it won’t start at all, only when your eyes are staring at all will it start working. That means you have to wait more than an entire second for it to unlock from the point you stared at it, versus you’re already unlocked with Touch ID. 
Face ID is a scam. Now it does work better than the common fingerprint sensor on the back. That is even more of a nightmare. But the entire thing with the X is a scam. Samsung has had the infinity display or low screen-to-body ratio since four years ago with the S6. Apple didn’t catch up. Why? Cuz when the screen is too big it’s harder to reach the corners. 16:9 is the perfect aspect ratio. There’s the problem with palm rejection. And worse, where do you put the camera so it does not distract you, because the new S10 and A9 looks like an eye is staring at you ALL THE TIME. That’s why Apple didn’t even bother. But Tim forced them to bother and we have the X. 
What about the status bar? You don’t know if you’re in do not disturb. You don’t know if you have the screen rotation locked. You don’t know whether you’re on WiFi-Calling. You don’t know if you have bluetooth on. You don’t know if you’re connected to VPN. You don’t know if you’ve an alarm on. You don’t know what your battery percentage is. It’s red from 20% to 0%, how am I supposed to tell? I might be on an important call with someone, and I have to pull down all the time. I can’t just plug it in REMEMBER how it heats up to 48.9 if I plug it in? You lose the status bar thanks to Face ID. 
Now you see how it’s a scam. Pretend my name is Timothy Donald, how would I make people buy something that’s a scam? Make it expensive so people think it’s worth more and want to buy it as that’s how human nature works. What else? Hmmmmm. I don’t make a lot of money selling an 8 or 8 Plus you see (this is after the bad PMU, lightning, and enclosure, remember he is absolutely sick), what should I do? I make a lot more selling the X versus the 8 or 8 Plus. Hmmmm. If I can’t make the bad phone BETTER, let’s make the good phone WORSE. 
Operation analysis: if a customer bought an 8 Plus, returned it, bought a X, would Apple make money? Yes. Would Apple make more than just selling an 8 Plus? On the surface, no. But yes, because either they’ll drop the phone and need it replaced and pay more than 500 dollars for us just replacing the full enclosure and giving the phone to someone else, or buy the $100 more expensive AppleCare+, it seems like more money one way or another to me. 
So, Craig go ahead, ruin Touch ID. That way I can drive customer “upgrades”. 

If your finger was on it and it didn’t recognize you for the first time, you have to lift it for recognition to try again, or it won’t work. It didn’t use to work like this and for sure works the EXACT OPPOSITE for Face ID. What if you were just trying to unlock it? Oh you’ll have to press twice and every now and then it would trigger Apple Pay, isn’t that annoying? Don’t you want the X? With iOS 11.2.5, 11.3, 11.4, etc the recognition won’t start at all if you pressed the home button with the screen off. Unfortunately, I don’t have a video of that. But it was like that for sure. 
They thought it was too obvious so they brought the same bug to the iPad, but they “improved” or rather advanced the ruining. With iOS 11, the ruining works with the lock on top not moving at all, as if it didn’t even realize your finger was on top. Now it says unlocked but won’t go into the home screen so it really looks like a bug. How smart!
Fun fact: for the first 11 betas of iOS 12.0, the bug was basically gone. I then wrote a message trying to see what they’d do, I thought they would apologize or something, but instead, they put it right back advanced the fraud into what it is today. They are sick. I was only trying to see if I was right. Turns out, they’ve proven that they did it intentionally more than I possibly can. They admitted it weirdly, themselves. 
People ask me, so the good devices, the first 8s and 8 Pluses, are they frauds as well? Hardware wise, no. But legally, yes. Thanks to this ruining. Not only the 8s, the 7s, 6ses all become fraud. CRIMINAL FRAUD. Remember I said it’s robbery, I wasn’t joking. “Fast” was a selling point for Touch ID Gen 2 and thus 6s, 7, and 8. I certainly bought the 6s thanks to that. I mean what was different between the 6s and the 6? Touch ID gen 2 was the biggest for me and why I upgraded. I didn’t upgrade to 7 cuz there wasn’t much. Now they have to ruin Touch ID gen 2 for us to purchase something worse. I say this with all due respect, this is absolutely sick. 
The hardware ruining is simple. Face ID doesn’t work 20-40% of the times so they made Touch ID that way as well. Hardware wise though. If your finger was a little damp or sweating, Touch ID won’t recognize you. Whereas before the hardware ruining, it would always recognize you without a problem unless your finger was completely wet. I think they lowered Touch ID’s resolution so they can sell more Face ID. Remember they not only do it to sales models, but warranty replacements as well. That would sure push for purchases of the iPhone X. Cuz look, Touch ID sucks. I mean I made it suck but it sucks right? It also won’t work every now and then, it’s just overall less accurate. It gives a lot more false negatives than it should. 
I’m smelling criminal torture and deprivation of rights. I’ll explain them later. 
Hey I just realized something, they did it with the power management on the magic keyboard for the iMac as well. It just burned me. Man this is crazy. My keyboard was replaced September 22, 2017. So they started with the power management at the latest on September 18, 2017. My magic Keyboard 2 was replaced back then. This is so incredibly sick. What can they not do it with? I finally understand why VF is bad. I’ve been typing on this keyboard for more than an hour and now it’s enough to burn me. Man, Tim Cook is sick. I’ve done extended typing with the old keyboard and this never happened. They are so so so sick. 
[When They Started] They started exactly the week of September 18, 2017.
I got that from being burned by the magic keyboard. Man they’re sick. A darn keyboard though? Man. It really hurts, the burn really hurts. 
I take back what I said before, they started with the computer the exact same time they started with the phone. 
You might ask how the keyboard burned me? It worsened. How did it worsen? Well remember how charging is too much power for this guy. I charge it connected to the iMac. So if you never charged the keyboard, maybe it won’t burn you. They are sick. They are sick. 
Folks I have to move on, but they are sick. 
Also, they probably ruined the oleophobic layer as well. It used to last six months, now it lasts one. 
Even though I didn’t write a thousand words on the screen and am not entirely certain, this is a SERIOUS accusation and probably is true and deserves a thorough investigation. Again VC is good and doesn’t have any of these issues. 
[Lightning Port] This is one of the most annoying parts to the average user. Man, that burn from the Magic Keyboard hurts. My index finger is now red. Ouch. These burns give you a bruise like effect as previously mentioned. How sick are these people I mean? 
Ouch it still hurts. 
Now the iPhone isn’t cheap. Neither is the Mac or iPad. But it’s not cheap. It’s quite expensive actually. So a lot of people would buy the phone and no accessory cuz that’s all they can afford. And a lot of people listen to music from the EarPods inside the box. But they had to ruin that as well. 
The lightning port ruining is simple as well. Go here for the wikipedia page of the lightning connector. They probably ruined or took out or did not install Pin 4 and Pin 8 (ID0 and ID1). We have the port disconnecting often. If both are ruined, a light tap would disconnect it. 
But if only one was ruined, it’s hard for the issue to be “reproduced”. If you walk around with your phone in your pocket and you’re listening to music it would disconnect. But you’re in an Apple Store and the ground is flat, it won’t. There’s no elevation in a mall. That’s what happens. And thus they won’t honor your warranty. It’s the same thing if you had a replacement anyways. I mean… This worsens as well because all ports get minor scratches, so it works perfectly maybe for three days, and then it’ll start disconnecting. The scratches happen to the lightning connector on your EarPods as well. But one NOT RUINED wouldn’t have any of these problems, I mean they designed two identifiers (ID0 and ID1) for a reason. 
Here’s the worst part, because they ruined the lightning port, with some devices, the volume control will be out whilst the sound still gets to the EarPods. With some others, the microphone is out and else works fine. Microphone works again if you disconnect and reconnect. This is what you get for ruining the controls/identifications for lightning. And you can imagine your phone in your pocket yet the microphone on your EarPods is off and it’s collecting voice from the phone microphone and treating the EarPods as an audio only headset. You know what kind of nightmare it is. What if it’s an important call you only get once in your life though? No, your life is nothing in front of Timothy Donald Cook’s GREED, you should sacrifice your money to pay HIM. At least that’s what he thinks. The evidence folder shows clearly my personal complaint to them. Yet they changed nothing and carried this onto the XS Max. That’s what they are, sick. 
They’ve been producing the lightning connector since 2012. And it never was like that until late 2017 and 2018 productions. I graduated from high school. I don’t think I’m stupid. I think you are smart too, reader. Think about it. Accident? I think not. 
Tim Cook is sick and my finger is still hurting! For Man’s sake this is a bluetooth keyboard. A separate, independent keyboard. And he had to do it with this? What the hell is wrong w/ him? 

[Speaker] (high-frequency deafening noise) This is the most traumatizing part personally for me for sure. Readers, we’re very close to the end. 
They had to cheap out the speakers as well. It’s not capable of the full dynamic range it was designed to do and not the volume it was designed to produce. So at top volume, the speakers produce a crackling sound cuz it is not capable of that volume. Craig looked at it and put in a cover up with iOS 11.3. The cover up distorts the sound into a high-frequency deafening noise, and there is not crackling as much. This is one of these things that’s hard to describe but easy to understand as the videos in the evidence folder shows. The cover up is fine with the good speakers, it just muffles it. It makes both the bass quieter and it makes the overall volume feel lower. The volume isn’t lower that much though but they changed the speaker distribution and sound output to cover up the crackling so it does feel quieter. Again, this happened in the middle of usage. So if you had the good 8 Plus and never replaced it, you would have woken up one morning updated to 11.3 and all of a sudden things become weird. This takes away a lot of enjoyment as speakers is the selling point for both the 8 and the XS. The same thing is happening with the XS. 
This is why Craig Federighi is an active part of the crime. He did it knowing it can cause serious consequences, as the reasonable engineer knows letting speaker produce sounds it’s not capable of and will distort can deafen people. I got otitis from testing the cheap speakers FOR A WEEK. 
After the cover-up however, the speaker sounds distorted extremely, just without much crackling cuz they changed the frequency and channel a little bit. That distortion is so discordant and harsh to the ear. You can hear the distortion yourself if you just get one and put it at above 80% volume. And you would feel pain in your ears as the sound isn’t just loud, it’s unreasonably distorted with a high frequency sound that gives you pain. If you listen to it long enough, your ears will be damaged like mine. I got otitis in May 2018. To this day, after more than 6 months and multiple different treatments, it still has not completely healed. I still feel as if my ear is blocked. I listened to the speakers on the 8 Plus very much when I first bought it and never had any issues. I’m a techie more or less and I know if a speaker is good or bad. The good one really is good; whereas the bad ones have worse distortions than a ten dollar speaker! 

Do you know how painful (figuratively) it is to wake up with otitis? It’s really annoying. It’s like someone is constantly blocking your ear. It’s really really bad. They knew the speakers were bad but they shipped it anyways for the sake of money. They intentionally shipped bad products out for the sake of profit. iPhone 7 (before Sept. 2017) never had this issue. Neither did the iPhone 6s. Or the 6. They never did. If not for the speakers, I would not have bought the iPhone 8 Plus. But they had to ruin it. 
Again, up to VC, it was all good. 
It’s not a zero-sum game. It worsens. EXACTLY like the PMU, it’s a rubber band. Even at lower volume, the speaker is just not capable of the dynamic range. And after 2 months, it’ll be crackling to a point that you play the ringtone “piano” or piano something, I forgot the name, it’ll be crackling so much that no person can ignore. Out of the box it’s just distorted. But are you going to never use the speaker? If you have ringtone on, it would have to be used. And right there, it’s not capable of the dynamic range, it will start to worsen and eventually to the point of crackling you can’t ignore. Fraud against stockholders it is. 
I’m not exactly certain of the cover-up’s full content, but it is a step in the worse direction. Now bass booster within settings basically just does not work. And with the good speakers, it’s not the beautiful melody it makes when customers bought the phone and is just quieter. With the bad speakers, it damages your ears and gives you otitis cuz it changed from crackling to distortion, a distortion that is unsafe unhealthy and harmful to humans. I repeat, Tim Cook is sick. Craig Federighi, not much better when it comes to profit and money and greed. 
[popping] The popping of the speaker can be explained in one sentence. Incompetent power management cannot adequately manage power so it electrocutes the speaker every time turning it on as it cannot send out the exact amount of power the firmware asks it to and thus speaker pops. 
This is what started my investigation into Apple’s crimes. It was too weird. I thought the Touch ID thing really was a bug until this. I realized this is something intentional. They refused to either cover it up, or change production. We then threatened a Class Action Lawsuit and then all of a sudden iOS 11.3 comes out. It came out with both a cover-up for the speaker crackling and a cover-up for the popping. The speaker used to pop every time you multitask or if sound were conflicting each other. It didn’t happen with any iPhone produced before VC, including iPhone 7. It happened however with iPhone 7 produced AFTER VC. Isn’t that telling? You’re in Twitter browsing and listening to music it pops. You’re in YouTube scrolling around it pops. So our dearest Craig Federighi led his team to change the Power Delivery settings. These days you can cover anything up with software. So instead of working as it should on and off, the speaker is always on waiting. Instead of Power Delivery low and high and low as it should, it’s power delivery constantly high. That made the heating worse! Of course. And it ruins battery life, even for the good devices. It seems to me that every time Craig leads a cover-up, the user experience is actually more of a nightmare to the users. Again, I’m not entirely sure of the cover up, but that’s basically what it is. 

His cover up for the PMU heating up over what I wrote in November 2018 telling them it’s burning my hand and stuff, is to change it again, to electrocuting more parts in an effort to lower the heat, and then slowing down the charging even earlier. I joked to them replying to their stupid cover-up: it used to burn my hand and charge really fast, now it only burns my hand. It’s not a joke actually, but the truth. This cover-up came with iOS 12.1.2 and carries onto 12.1.3. Of course, it made the heating even worse. I don’t even know how. But it did. The only thing though is it does stop charging if you used the phone whilst charging. It doesn’t actually help with anything as the phone still burns me. 
Here’s the stupid part, it’s the charge IC and PMIC that burns people, these chips THEMSELVES. What’s getting it to electrocute the Taptic Engine going to do besides burning even more areas of the hand?
I paid a thousand dollars so a bunch of stupids can go ruin my life BIT BY BIT? What the? 
What a bunch of criminals? Yah know if I got played by smart people, I’d at least feel like not so stupid. I got played by a bunch of stupids? This isn’t fair. 

The bit by bit: first Touch ID they had to ruin, then the speakers and battery life together, then the entire usage aka power delivery. That would be my life had I always had a good one. That’s not the case, they took back the good one and gave me 15 bad ones. Or 20, who knows. 
Am I really being played by “engineers” that are this stupid? I mean I got DISABLED by these devils/hoodlums. Really? You’re not very nice to me are yah? Hey, it’s time for you to clean up this mess and send them to jail. Dear Americans, please prey with me for them to go to MAXIMUM SECURITY JAIL, because they are sick, ill, But not mentally ill. They just like PLAYING people and ruining lives and Damaging your body parts and making money out of it. They need to go to MAXIMUM SECURITY. Thanks to their pathological fraud. 
[refusal to STOP] No jail in the world can lock up greed. They need to go to maximum security. They were asked to stop, given the future consequences, given the full long-term analysis of their company, BY ME, yet they refused to. I did it more than 30 times I’m sure. They refused to stop. Customers yelled, shouted and screamed in pain. They refused to stop. They still refuse to stop. Evidence of this is in the evidence folder. 
[OSes] “The hardware was the body and the software was the soul.”—Steve Jobs 
They’re two inseparable elements that work together as one. That’s what made Apple stand out for the last ten years. But they had to ruin the software as well. Everyone’s heard the story: bugs, aka, operation system failures. You click a button and it doesn’t work. I’ll come back to that. 
Anywho, in terms of crimes, if official release OS automatically deletes user’s hard work, whilst the version from which the user updated didn’t, and there was no warning of such, it is a crime of fraud and maybe theft/damage of/to property as intellectual property is property. That is how the Messages app deletes emails automatically, without saving it anywhere or asking you, it did not previously happen with iOS 11. I’ve told people this many times: iOS 12 is this wolf in sheep’s wool, it looks less buggy on the surface, it’s actually a lot buggier than iOS 11, cuz the bugs in iOS 12 are a lot more serious than they were on 11, and they’re much more annoying. The only thing is aesthetically, iOS 12 is less of a problem. In terms of crimes, we have Unauthorized Removal of Features, extended keyboard, something they SOLD the 6 with, as evidence folder showing Phil bragging about it on stage at launch of iPhone 6. With the Mac we have unauthorized removal of sharing options, I mean they love talking about privacy and I can’t help but analyze this one. It’s nothing to do with privacy. If users cared about privacy they could just turn them off and not sign into any of the sharing functions, so why did they remove it without authorization by the device owner? That wasn’t shown in the update notes of macOS Mojave at all! It’s probably money. If I’m not wrong, you have to pay facebook and twitter and everybody else per each software to include their sharing features. They didn’t want to pay so they removed the computer’s features they SOLD IT WITH for a little more money, just when they were almost a trillion dollar company. Hmmmmmm. CRIMINAL unauthorized removal of features it is! FRAUD!
How is iOS 12 more deeply corrupt than iOS 11? Regular bug 1 in the evidence folder is how there is a dark hue that disappears when you pull down on the lock screen, something that wasn’t happening at all with iOS 11. Regular bug 2 is how you can never change the IME in landscape on lock screen. It’s really bad. 
There is actually regular bug three where if you change IME, as in press down and hold on the little globe and choose input method, control center gets very often triggered. Super annoying, wasn’t there with iOS 11. 
Regular bug 1 and 2 are in the evidence folder under iOS 12. 
iOS 11 had a bug where the app switcher was unusable during call. That MIGHT BE another tactic to UPSELL to the iPhone X. It’s titled (fraud) App Switcher failure (issue NOT in iOS 10) in the evidence folder. As the file name goes, it wasn’t there in iOS 10, this bug wasn’t notified to the user in any text of the update note of iOS 11, thus it is 100% CRIMINAL FRAUD!
iOS 11 was bad but it didn’t lose me a single email. iOS 12 does. iOS 11 doesn’t have a lock screen or keyboard that just won’t work. iOS 12 does. The imagination that iOS 12 is better than iOS 11 is nothing more than a daydream. They think that outside pressure would change the crazy-man Tim Cook. Turns out the only thing that’ll change/stop him is putting him in jail and nothing else, which is why he needs to go to MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON. 
 iOS 11 however was having springboard crashes (unexpected restarts) all the way into November. Crazy huh! They couldn’t even get the BASICS to work. Panic logs almost 2 month after product release. WOW! Crazy! FRAUD, as not restarting is a basic function, and iOS 10 wasn’t restarting, and the 8 is actually more expensive than the 7. Criminal fraud. 
Of course the software sucks because Timothy Donald won’t pay the engineers to “save cost.” Again, save cost here means ruin your life. It kind of should be seen the other way around. He willingly ruins your life for the sake of his bonuses. Folks, this man is sick. He is. 
[Morality]I’m tired so I’ll wrap this up. You can find dozens of articles telling you how annoying iOS 11 is by tech reviewers who are actually fans of Apple. Aesthetics or symmetries are not related to what I’m pointing to. Find ones that tell you how USING it is annoying and how it ruins productivity. That will send him and Craig (cuz he didn’t put any warnings in the notes) to jail. 
We use RICO on them because there’s money laundering. 1. Any money made from criminal fraud is dirty and is considered money laundering. 2. Did they report the MUCH lower “costs” or rather true values of the devices to the SEC? FTC? Customs? IRS? If you know the answer to be know, they have violated the SEC act cuz they lied. They probably, I’m not sure, but probably jacked up units sold to balance the revenue. 10 phones times 100 dollars equals 20 phones times 50 dollars right? Think about that. Otherwise, their sheets couldn’t have been balanced. They were doing it to so many things and yet they have a balanced sheet in the hand of the customs, FTC, SEC, and IRS. Also, Does the COO not know what’s put in the devices?
So now we have 3 people, Luca, Craig, TDCook, and one we highly suspect: Jeff Williams. Ah ha, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization found. And Importation of Good with False Statements. The Goods imported, be it the bad PMU warranty motherboards or the iPads with bad PMU or iPhone 8, 8 Plus, X with bad PMUs, can’t be done using the same form as the old one, as the new one uses a part that causes safety issues and thus is a threat to the national security of the United States. That of course was not reported. They didn’t change the forms and you bet you have to change the forms to import productions that’ll damage human health and MIGHT EXPLODE in the future, they didn’t bother. 
There is the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act in the US. If anyone intentionally denies rights of Americans that are covered by US laws, they’ve committed a crime. The DoJ guideline says it doesn’t have to be discriminatory or has a race/gender factor for deprivation of rights to be prosecuted. The right to warranty of course is a right. They use tactics of denying facts and torture by forcing customers to believe every thing they see is wrong and every statement they make is somehow incorrect. They are customer relations tier 2. They have committed the Torture (U.S. Code § 2340) because they also serve Canada. The kind of insults to personality and self-esteem can cause PTSD. Go listen to phone call recordings and you’ll understand. They have committed “the application of procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the personality.”
[Craig Federighi’s Role] Facts speak for themselves. Is he an aider? Or an active part of the fraud? The latter. What did his coverups do in actuality? Did they improve user experience? No. The speaker cover up changed the bad speakers from crackling to producing deafening sounds, and from popping to heat and significantly less battery life. The PMIC cover up changed the bad ones from burning hot to electrocuting more parts and slower charging. The PMIC cover up in FACT causes more heat and makes it harder for users to realize what’s going on. I had never been burned by the left side of the 8 Plus before the cover up, now I have. The speaker cover up ruins battery life for the good ones and muffles the good ones. It also makes the bad ones a lot less obvious. Apple makes its money from selling iPhones, if customers don’t find out wrongs within 14 days, they make money. If they do, they’ll return the phone and Apple would lose. What has Craig’s coverups done in fact? Has it helped selling cheaped out devices or otherwise? 
[Right to Warranty] The Magnuson Moss Warranty Act forces all manufacturers to accept implied warranty with no question, REGARDLESS of what their warranty statement says. For eg., if you had a “warranty void if broken” sticker, it has no actual value by law. So what does implied warranty guarantee FOR SURE without a doubt in this case? 1. No bodily harms. No product is allowed to ship whilst causing bodily harms. Whether it’s otitis, the burns, or the explosion that’ll happen in the future sooner or later, it’s not allowed. Any manufacturer’s needs to fix such issues. 2. That your later production 8 or X or 8 Plus is not inferior than the first retail productions. 3. That it works as intended: if big changes occurs, it must be shown on the label or else manufacturer has to fix them. (lighting port has been shipping since 2012, 2018 XS Max has bad lightning as well.) As such, Timothy Donald Cook has committed deprivation of rights under color of law. 
Fact: Apple, TDC are not getting away with anything. 4 Evidence folder click here. 
[FBI] Now reports of this has been sent by me more than 10 times to the FBI and other federal government institutions since February 2018. They decided to do nothing. As I’ve explained, it takes an officer on duty to actively look away when a report of this nature is sent to them. It is aiding a crime when they derelict their duty. I wrote a letter to Whitaker and nothing. I can’t take this corruption anymore. 
[Fraud against Stockholders Part 2] I mean it’s simple, he didn’t mess with the outside of the devices but the inside. Him getting busted is a must given he sells in 50 countries. So what is it on earth he thinks he’d doing? He’s going to by law have to replace all parts that are bad. How much does he “save” per each device by criminal fraud? And how much is it gon cost recalling them and fixing them? It sounds to me like putting in a bad part, recalling the device which costs shipping, and then putting in the good part and throwing out the bad part. TWICE THE MONEY. This guy is sick but this is also a crime. This is a huge case of fraud against stockholders. 
Don’t believe me, for Q3 of 2018 alone, he took home $121 MILLION USD worth of bonus from the board. I ain’t joking. Did he refuse that money? NO. He took it. 

I have to say this, shareholders should plan on Civil lawsuits to get all the bonuses back. That’ll at least pay for some of the replacements that Apple will have to do. Do it folks, do it. 


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